Sunday, April 21, 2013

His Imperfections are His Perfections

He may not have much to offer me…

He may not be rich.
He may not have power.
He is far from perfect.


Since when is love and loyalty purchased?
To me, money and power do not mean a thing.
Every precious moment with him is worth it,
Like queen looks up to her king
His poisons are of liquor and tobacco,
My toxic passion is him
They are both deadly to us,
And they will most likely be what does us in.
Yet we do not give them up…
Mine for my own reasons…
Maybe he’s no good for me
But he gives me something to believe in.

Would you listen to people,
If they told you your love isn’t right?
Would you give it all up because of words
Or would you stand by him and fight

Of course you would.
You wouldn’t leave him for them,
So who are you to post judgments?
All that matters is what you have with him.

He’s a bum, he’s a drunk
Sticks and stones sticks and stones
He smokes a lot and drinks too much
Keep talking shit and I’ll break your bones

He has no car and can barely make his way
I have no job, but you have nothing to say to me
Damn, guess we’ll have to do it the old fashioned way
Looks like he’s walkin’ in them Chuck T’s

Why do you stand by his side
Even when he doesn’t return your love?
I could ask why you remain with your man
When he treats you like dirt instead of a dove?

Listen, he may not be perfect
He may not have a fancy car
His wallet may be lighter than yours
He doesn’t have the muscles of a football star

But perfect is boring
Shiny cars get scratched
Money isn’t everything
And muscles turn into fat

Bottom line, he respects me an makes me laugh
I care for him for who he is
I don’t want some fake, buff meathead
He is perfect
Just the way he is.

by: ©Désirée Storms aka Tori P. Coelho 4/20/13

Saturday, April 20, 2013


In the shadows he stays with all his oddities and quriks...
He is hard to spot and may not seem to be there,
But you never know where the devil lurks.
He has appeared once or twice.
When I see him, I know I should be scared,
But he is not my foe.
How strange is the bond we've shared.
He was the tiger, and I was the doe
But then something strange happened...
Things started to simmer down...
His mood less aggressive...
And gradually, it grew as it is now.
He never touches me,
Yet he never leaves.
I sometimes wonder why he chose me.
Perhaps this is what I believe...
That he is not as bad as he seems.
The label "demon" tarnishes his charisma.
Perhaps I am crazy,
But how could something so evil be such an enigma?
His outter appearance,
His human disguise...
It would trick the eyes of any passerby.
Skin of ivory,
Eyes of gold,
Those vibrant orbs makes you wonder what secrets he holds.
Thin lips curve upward in a mischievous grin.
Only I see the good that is hiddin within.
He is so strange.
A curtain of jet black falls just past his shoulders...
And all I want to know is his real name.
He would never let me find out,
Because it is almost forbidden.
In telling his true identity,
He risks being killed for what he has hidden.
I don't think he knows I would never harm him,
Just like I don't know if he would harm me,
So here we both are,
Living in some dark fantasy.
None of this is supposed to exist...
A demon is a myth, something written up in text
Made up in the minds of religious pets.
So I remain here living with this stranger.
Sometimes I don't understand my own bravado.
I know by staying I put myself in danger.
I only know the alias he has given himself...
by: ©Désirée Storms 4/20/13

Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston, We Are With You

Pray for Boston and the lives that were taken that day. Thankfully, the suspects have been identified, and one has been shot down by police. It's so disappointing this world it forced to revert to violence in order to reach this twisted form of justice. Bloodshed and death shouldn't be needed, yet it cannot seem to be avoided. My prayers go out to those who were taken by the bombs, and to the families and friends they left behind.

Did You Know?

Did you know....
  • That pregnant girl? She was raped by her boyfriend.
  • That fat girl? She has a health condition that affects her weight.
  • That drug dealer? He's just trying to support his little sister, because he's all she has.
  • That punk? His father beats him.
  • That guy convicted for murder? He shot the man that raped his daughter.
  • That guy with lots of "trashy" tattoos? They cover up the burns he recieved from saving someone from a burning building.
  • That rebellious teenager? Their parents are abusive.
  • That quiet, weird kid? He witnessed his mother's death.
  • That "sideshow freak"? Is just as human as you and me.
  • That anorexic girl? People tell her she's fat.
  • That "fag"? He spends every day trying to seem straight to avoid being beaten.
  • That pushover? He's afraid to speak, because other boys beat him up because he's gay.
  • That b♥tchy, popular "slut"? She's the most insecure person in the room.
  • That emo kid? She's the nicest person you'll ever meet.
  • That prima ballerina? She listens to punk rock and skateboards.
  • That mobster? He would do anything to protect his family.
  • That man with the deformed face? It's a birth defect, not a disease.
  • That guy with the horrible scars? He fought for our country.
  • That Nazi? He followed Hitler's orders so his family wouldn't be killed for disobedience.
  • That vicious pit bull? It wasn't a fighter until it was given to a monster.
  • That old grump? He has no one left.
  • That woman standing next to the man with the medal? She is the real hero.
  • That single mother? Her husband was killed.
  • That dropout? He's one of the most loyal, hardest working friends you could have.
  • That drunk? He feels guilty.
  • That convict? He's innocent.
You don't know everyone's full story, so don't make judgments until you do. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes the people we see as the bad guys are the real victims. A lot of us have it so easy, that we don't realize how hard it can be for others, and how limited their choices are in life. Think before you speak.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How To Treat Him

How to treat your man. Really, some girls are just as clueless as some guys.
1.) LISTEN to him. You hate being blown off, and so does he. Whether he is a talker or not, he needs you to listen to him. This means hearing him out and listening to what he has to say, no matter what it's about. And to avoid a hostile mood, let him finish before you speak.
2.) You don't always have to get YOUR way just because you're the female. Don't make him feel like he needs to get permission before doing something. Let him feel like he has control over his own life.
3.) Touch. And it doesn't always have to be sexual. A lot of women think all a man wants to do is get in your pants, but its far from the truth. Not all of them are like that, and even the ones that are crave simple cuddles here and there. They need affection just as much as we females do. It can be as simple as caressing hands, arms, face, or shoulders. Eye contact is a key ingredient if you want to be closer.
4.) Be there for him. Most men are very private with their emotions, but it's pretty easy to tell they're troubled even if they don't talk about it. Just be there for him, even if he doesn't want to talk or can't talk about what's wrong at the time. Simply be there for support if you feel he needs it.
5.) Trust. I know it's easier said than done--especially if you've been in unfaithful relationships in the past. Just remember he's probably been in the same dilemma at least once. Trust is built over time, and if you want him to know you love him... you have to trust him.
6.) Do NOT be a sarcastic btch. It's okay to joke around, but don't take it too far. No one likes to be criticized or to feel like they've messed up. If he screws up, getting in his face about it will only make things a lot worse. I'm sure you've made mistakes of your own, so don't throw him under the bus for his.
7.) RESPECT him. Seriously, where do you expect to get if you don't respect one another? Besides, if you love him why would you talk to him with anything but respect?
8.) Support him. Always do you best to make him feel good and successful, even if his job isn't the highest in pay. If he treats you right, then you should never make him feel degraded or stupid. If you only support him when something good happens, then he will never come to you when something bad happens. Trust is a key factor in here.
9.) Do things for him. If you care about him, here is a good way to show it. It can be something as little as making him a snack and bringing it to him at work if he's having a rough day. Whether they need it or not, these little things always mean something. And don't constantly expect something in return. If you really did it for HIM, then all you should care about is that he's happy.

Victorian Punk

Victorian Crowned Pigeon
I took this shot at Capron Park Zoo. These things are free to walk around an indoor exhibit, and they're about the size of a Beagle dog. Both male and females show off the punk-styled crown of feathers, but the male's a bit larger. The one showed in the image above is a male. These birds are one of my favorite animals to photograph at this park. He was even bobbing his head like he was rocking out haha.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let Me Tell You Something About Men

I wrote this in response to the thousands of Facebook statuses I see each day with girls complaining about their boyfriends. Let's just get one thing straight right now. The men you see in movies? They're called "actors" for a reason. The men you see in movies typically do not exist. No one is that freaking perfect. So, I decided to make a list based on my friends' and my experiences when it comes to  guys (friends, family, and boyfriends) to help you better understand them.
  1. Men are not mind readers. You need to just give it to them straight. Hints of any kind will either be unnoticed or misread. It's not because they don't care; it's just because they can't read minds any better than we can. Just be straightforward about it.
  2. Most guys are good at solving problems. If you want to get to solving an issue fast, ask him. If it's just sympathy or pity you're looking for, go to a girlfriend.
  3. Shopping and hanging out with girlfriends is your sport, and his is watching the game or going to the bar with his buddies. Let him enjoy his moment of Zen while you enjoy yours.
  4. If you can bitch and moan about him not being Romeo and Mr. Sympathy all the time, he can whine about you not walking around in your panties all day or about how you have a year-long "headache".
  5. Most men are not good with emotional women. Especially crying women. It's not because they don't give a damn, but because most of them simply don't know how to handle emotional women.
  6. Believe it or not, men can take care of themselves. You don't have to write out for them how to do everything. They did live without you at one point, remember.
  7. When a man asks you a question, a simply answer will usually do.
  8. If you're arguing, stick to recent events. Don't try to throw something at him that happened months ago because that will only make it look like you're trying to start a fight. If you had a problem with it then, you should have talked about it then. Remember, men aren't mind readers.
  9. If your BMI is over 25 do not ask if you are fat. It is called entrapment, and you can't yell at him if he says yes.
  10. Burps will be released, crotches will be scratched, and farts may be launched without warning. Frequently. Don't bother fighting it. You'd be fighting against the laws of natural physics.
  11. If your guy actually senses something is wrong and asks what it is, don't answer with "nothing" because 9 out of 10 times he will assume it really is nothing and will forget about it until you bring it to his attention again.
  12. Unlike most women who speak in codes, guys just say it how the mean it.
  13. It's not necessary to go through every outfit you own with him and ask him which one is best. Why? Because he doesn't care what you wear. Unless you're in a sex shop. That's a totally different story. ;)
And that doesn't even begin to cover it.