How to treat your man. Really, some girls are just as clueless as some guys.
1.) LISTEN to him. You hate being blown off, and so does he. Whether he is a talker or not, he needs you to listen to him. This means hearing him out and listening to what he has to say, no matter what it's about. And to avoid a hostile mood, let him finish before you speak.
2.) You don't always have to get YOUR way just because you're the female. Don't make him feel like he needs to get permission before doing something. Let him feel like he has control over his own life.
3.) Touch. And it doesn't always have to be sexual. A lot of women think all a man wants to do is get in your pants, but its far from the truth. Not all of them are like that, and even the ones that are crave simple cuddles here and there. They need affection just as much as we females do. It can be as simple as caressing hands, arms, face, or shoulders. Eye contact is a key ingredient if you want to be closer.
4.) Be there for him. Most men are very private with their emotions, but it's pretty easy to tell they're troubled even if they don't talk about it. Just be there for him, even if he doesn't want to talk or can't talk about what's wrong at the time. Simply be there for support if you feel he needs it.
5.) Trust. I know it's easier said than done--especially if you've been in unfaithful relationships in the past. Just remember he's probably been in the same dilemma at least once. Trust is built over time, and if you want him to know you love him... you have to trust him.
6.) Do NOT be a sarcastic b♥tch. It's okay to joke around, but don't take it too far. No one likes to be criticized or to feel like they've messed up. If he screws up, getting in his face about it will only make things a lot worse. I'm sure you've made mistakes of your own, so don't throw him under the bus for his.
7.) RESPECT him. Seriously, where do you expect to get if you don't respect one another? Besides, if you love him why would you talk to him with anything but respect?
8.) Support him. Always do you best to make him feel good and successful, even if his job isn't the highest in pay. If he treats you right, then you should never make him feel degraded or stupid. If you only support him when something good happens, then he will never come to you when something bad happens. Trust is a key factor in here.
9.) Do things for him. If you care about him, here is a good way to show it. It can be something as little as making him a snack and bringing it to him at work if he's having a rough day. Whether they need it or not, these little things always mean something. And don't constantly expect something in return. If you really did it for HIM, then all you should care about is that he's happy.
It's be nice if more girls would think this way. I can't go anywhere without my girlfriend getting offended I didn't invite her.