Friday, May 25, 2012

New York Tour: A "Splash" of Color

Spotted this little cutie while taking a buss tour in NY. It was a rather dreary day, so everything seemed to appear in gray tones. So, when I came across this little tyke playing with his scooter on the sidewalk in his lime green rain boots, multi-colored scooter, and blue hat, it was a nice contrast against the dull atmosphere. Plus, it was a great way to pass the time by waiting for that bloody red light! Poor thing ended up falling in the puddle, though, but he took it like a man and continued on with a smile on his face. :)

This image is the exclusive property of Desirée Storms and is protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The image may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Desirée Storms.

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