Friday, May 25, 2012

What Guys HATE

Okay, ladies. I’m going to give you all some tips on what exactly NOT to do if you are striving to impress your crush. While some guys find it hot when a woman drives a truck, listens to old rock bands, or has a distinctively tough attitude, there are ways to avoid being so without taking it over the edge. Here are some ways to boost your chances if you are looking for a serious relationship.

1.      Manners. No burping, spitting, farting, or any of those gross habits. And please, let's avoid the cow chewing and keep the mouth closed while eating.
2.      You might be used to swearing around friends, but if you are trying to impress a guy it is probably a good idea to keep that potty mouth under control. While most guys would find the sailor look sexy on a woman, he doesn't want to hear the lingo. Keep it classy.
3.      Don't get drunk. Have one or two drinks, but unless you are looking for a one night stand keep the alcoholic consumption at a minimal. If the guy actually likes you for you, he will want to be talking to someone that will remember the conversation in the morning. Also, the LAST thing anyone wants is to be holding your hair back all night while you puke your brains out. It's also a good idea to eat a little something before drinking.
4.      If your date isn't a smoker, then don't smoke. Simple as that. No one likes making out with an ashtray.
5.      JUST BE YOURSELF. Contrary to popular belief, most guys can't stand bimbos. If you're intelligent in any way, show it, and don't try to be someone you're not. This will show confidence.
6.      Sex is a no-no on a first date. Don't be easy; he has to work for it if he wants it.
7.      Do NOT talk about marriage or babies on a first date. This will scare him off.
8.      Don't talk about your ex unless he asks about it. Even then don't dwell on it too much.
9.      Refrain from checking your phone or texting too much. This sends the message that you are more interested in your phone than him.
10.  Don't "offer" to pay.
11.  Avoid the hyena laugh. He will hate it if you're the loudest one in the room to the point everyone is staring. This will only embarrass him.
12.  Don't dress like a whore. Cover up and make him work for it. You will only look like a hypocrite if you snap at the guy for stealing a glance at your breasts when your shirt is low cut.
13.  Don't let him pick you up at home or work until you get to know him.
14.  Make the meeting place public, so there is little chance of him trying anything.
15.  Do not open the door for yourself or pull out your own chair.
16.  Be polite. Simple.
17.  DON'T. BE. LATE.
18.  No openly checking out other men.
19.  Avoid too many personal questions. You can get to know him without being sexual or personal. If you want to ask him questions, ask him about his hobbies or interests.
20.  Refrain from talking about family/life drama on a first date. A guy doesn't want to stick around if he thinks you are depressed or strung out. Give him some time to get to know the real you first.
21.  Guys don't care about what or where you like to shop.
22. Guys literally hate it when women are constantly talking about their diets, calorie intakes, weight, and all that crap. He likes a girl he can eat with.
There are always more things to think about while on a date or trying to get a date, but it all depends on a guy. Every man is different and has his own tastes, but most of them apply to the list above. Just keep it simple. If you are looking for a one-night stand or a sleezeball, this is not the list for you.


  1. This just my knowledge on guys I felt like putting out there. I'm going to post a "What Women HATE" soon. :)


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